This morning, Josh was voted onto the Junior Prom Court. I had to keep it a secret for two whole days and it was not easy. Isn't he cute?
Sadly, I could not attend the assembly because of a mandatory state meeting in Vancouver. I have been really heartbroken about having to miss out, but nothing will keep me away from the actual coronation on Prom Night. I promise not to be too embarrassing.
After my meeting, I stopped at the Vancouver Target to pick up a few things for our trip to the Pizza Show in Vegas next week. Yes, there is a convention for EVERYTHING, even pizza. Now, you know it is true. And in Vegas, no less. As I entered the checkout line, a woman tapped on my shoulder from behind. "I know you," she said. I wracked my brain but came up empty. Nothing. "Do you have a foster daughter?" she asked. Then, "Or....did you?". I said, " I used to be a foster parent." I truly had no idea where she was going......She smiled and said, "You were with Angie". Oh, YES!!!!!! I told her about Angie's recent adoption and that she was no longer in foster care.
We started talking and she said that she worked at Randall Children's Hospital in the PICU and she remembered us. "How COULD you?" I asked. It has been years since Angie has been in the PICU (Thank God) and thousands of children have come through since. And yet, she remembered Angie by name and somehow remembered me too. She had two very busy young children shopping with her so I did not question her about how or why Angie stayed in her memory but I would really love to know.
I know enough though. I was reminded today that Angie's journey with Sturge-Weber Syndrome and Hemispherectomy surgery has not been for nothing. God does not waste any opportunity to show His power and grace and I believe that He is using Angie to touch lives that we don't even know about. I have shared other similar encounters before and I don't think today will be the last. I am grateful for the reminders that Angie's pain and hard seasons are being used for good. She is a conduit for hope and joy and we have no idea how many lives she has touched. We will never know. I will never get tired of hearing stories of her impact on others and I do not think today's encounter was a coincidence. It was a Good Day for a Good Day.