Monday, November 14, 2016

We are preparing for Angie's adoption in full force now.  Yesterday, my photographer friend captured some family pictures that will celebrate the formal addition of Angie to the Harris family.  It was one of the best days I can remember in a very long time.  Every single member of our family together in one place.  Children and Grandchildren laughing and loving each other. In a beautiful barn. Then, dinner together afterwards.

As you might imagine, this is a really emotional time for me.  We were recently given Angie's DHS file, which included documentation of every hospital admission, every diagnosis, every seizure, near-death experiences, and the recommendation for a DNR order for our precious child.  The file included documentation of the fight we waged against the order.  I forced myself to read every word and feel all of the feelings.  And I cried.  But what I realized was this........she has transformed our family.  We will never again be the family that existed before Angie.

Because Angie has been in foster care for over eight years, we have had regular appointments in the county courtroom and before the Citizen Review Board.  We have had so many people involved in our lives and all have known every detail of Angie's history.  Something that Toby and I have heard repeatedly (and strongly disagree with) is that we have "saved her".  No.  We have not saved her.  In fact, the opposite is true.  Angie Rae soon-to-be Harris has saved our family.  Saved us from becoming complacent and discontent.  Saved us from taking our daily lives for granted.  And saved us from a life without miracles.

Make no mistake, this child has had miracle after miracle bestowed on her as she has cheated death and overcome extreme challenges.  We have become the recipients of God's grace as we have prayed for her to stay with us forever.  We are blessed and better for her presence.

Toby and I were not seeking to add another child to our family when Angie came into our home.   We thought our family was complete with the five children we had.  But God knew better.  He did not want to leave us without bestowing his grace and mercy on us through Angie and all that she has taught us.  He knew we needed the hope and the wonder that would come with caring for her.

We are so grateful. Every. Single. Day.  We look forward to sharing Angie's official adoption date with you very, very soon.

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