I know that we still have a couple of weeks left in 2016 but I am ready to say good-bye. 2016 has not been my favorite and I am done with it. There has been political unrest, too much violence, personal disappointments, family illness, and frustrating unfinished business. Farewell 2016, you can go now.
This time of year always makes me a little bit nostalgic and this year is the same I guess, despite the disappointments. I am not unable to appreciate the blessings that have been bestowed on me and my family. We are strong despite the challenges of the past year and we have not been toppled by the hard days. I am proud of my children and their responses to discouraging situations. My sons and daughters are resilient and they depend on one another for strength. This makes me proud and fills my heart. 2016 has not broken us.
I have some specific hopes and dreams for 2017. Angie's wish to be adopted will be realized and she will legally become our daughter after spending over 3100 days in foster care. My grandson, Ezra, will be healthy and happy after a treacherous and unpredictable first year of life. The monstrous remodeling project that has hijacked our Christmas will be completed and our home will be dust-free at last. My parents health will be stable. Our businesses will prosper. My boys will continue to develop into the amazing young men they are becoming and my three adult daughters would be happy and fulfilled. Too much to ask?
I have few other hopes too........that our community could find healing and we could learn to accept and forgive one another. That children in foster care would always have a loving alternative home where they are safe and that the justice system would do its job and punish those who inflict pain on others. That we could all set our political views aside and realize we are more alike than we are different.
Okay, I am asking for a lot, but I have learned that if you do not ask the answer is always NO. I am going to dream big for 2017 and see what happens. Farewell 2016.
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