Tuesday, April 25, 2017

So much pain

It has been nineteen days since Angela's feeding tube was removed and she has been in serious pain on every single one of those days.  It is too much.  If I had known this would happen, I truly think I would not have asked for it to be removed.  It would have been better for her to have a feeding tube she may not need than to have this pain.

We are stuck now in what feels like an impossible situation.  The site where her tube was placed is not healing and the acid from her stomach is breaking down her skin and causing excruciating pain.  The doctor may eventually close the wound surgically (which has been our preference all along!) but now the risk of infection is too high.  She cannot have surgery until the site is healed and the site won't heal because she needs surgery.  See the problem?

Through it all, Angela has been so brave and stoic.  When she cries in pain, we know how severe the pain must be because this girl never cries.  She insists on going to school, even though we sometimes have to pick her back up again and bring her home early.  I know for a fact that I would not be able to hold it together like this if it were me.  It is so hard to have her scream and cry in pain and be helpless to take it away.

Today we went back to the hospital to meet with her surgeon and with a wound/ostomy specialist.  We were given a new treatment plan and we pray it will bring her some relief.  We will keep plugging along and the thing that will propel us is this brave, strong, and amazingly, still smiling girl......

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