Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Miss Angela is definitely keeping us on our toes. As the school year comes to an end she is struggling, I think, with the transition.  Her behaviors have increased and I have to admit that I am tired.  I am not a young mom, as she reminds me regularly:)

Angela has had an uneventful recovery from her surgery.  She tells us often,  "I am so glad that I got my stitches!"  She is healing well and it is such a relief for her to no longer be in pain.

We had a meeting to discuss eligibility for Extended School Year services for Angela.  Although she is technically eligible, we have declined the services for her.  I know this sounds strange but let me explain.  We have decided that Angela would benefit from other experiences that we have planned for her over the summer.  She will be having weekly Occupational Therapy with her long-time therapist, Laura, at the hospital in Portland.  In July, we will travel to Orlando for the International Hemispherectomy Conference.  Angela will have a comprehensive reading evaluation there that we will share with the school to guide her services next year, not to mention her first trip to Disney World!! Angela can't wait to start swimming lessons with some of her favorite local teachers and she will have endless opportunities to hone her social skills.  Everywhere she goes, she will be learning.  We appreciate everything that our local school does to accommodate Angela's needs and she will have some activities to ease her transition back to school at the end of the summer.  We are very fortunate to have such a caring, knowledgeable team who truly loves her and has her best interest in mind.  I can't wait to see her growth over the summer!

Last weekend, Angela celebrated the sixth anniversary of her hemispherectomy surgery, on the day of Toby's 50th birthday.  I am not exaggerating when I say that the surgery saved her life.  Her doctors literally told us that they would not be able to stop her next major seizure.  There really are no words to convey how very grateful we are for her life on a daily basis.  She is such gift.  Thank you for reading our story.  We so appreciate the positive comments and support as we continue on the journey with our amazing girl.

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