This Momma is truly terrified now. The concern has risen to a whole new level. Alert: this is not going to be a positive, feel-good post. Feel free to stop reading immediately if you need to.
Last night, Angie fell asleep on my lap while we were watching a movie. This was unusual as we have a structured bedtime routine and rarely deviate from it. She rarely sits long enough to snuggle with us. Since she hasn't been sleeping well, she must have been truly exhausted. As she was falling asleep, her left hand, arm, and leg began to jerk and twitch periodically. Occasionally, her head would jerk slightly also. I think I stopped breathing. I was frozen. Has this been happening every night when she is tucked snugly into her bed? I have no idea. Now what?
The movements continued after she was asleep for another 45 minutes or longer. Eventually I laid her next to me because I could not take the feeling of the jerks and twitches any longer. It is impossible to describe how it feels to hold a child during seizures and beg God to stop them-NOW PLEASE!
Today, I have played it over and over in my head. Yes, my first impression was correct. Okay. I have emailed her doctors and I am confident that they will respond quickly as they always do. I am thankful for my faith today and I know that God is not surprised or upset by this new development. He is in complete control of our lives, as much today as He was yesterday. He has heard my prayers and He is faithful.
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