Sunday, December 14, 2014

Has it only been a week?

It is funny how life cruises along following a predictable routine, and then you are hit unexpectedly with a crazy, "who knew this was coming?" kind of a week. That was our week.

Last weekend, we accepted a young boy for an emergency foster placement. His story broke our hearts.  I will not go into detail to protect his privacy, but I will say that the abuse and neglect this child suffered in his short life is nothing short of criminal.  His needs are overwhelming and I have thought of him often since he left on Monday.  I pray that he will get the help he needs, and I wonder again why the penalties for child abuse are milder than those for animal neglect?

Two days later, Little Princess ended up in the hospital after a severe asthma attack.  The experience felt like deja vu back to the days when Angie and I were regular visitors at the hospital.  Little Princess felt better almost immediately but she was admitted overnight to be monitored. Our "slumber party" was like a vacation for her and she was treated like a queen with toys and gifts arriving throughout the evening.  I am thankful that her condition was easily treated and not life-threatening as has been our past experience at the hospital.  We came home with a treatment plan and she is doing great.  As I sat at the hospital, Toby, Jeff, and Heather teamed up to take care of business at home.  The support system our family has in place means so much to me.  I am grateful that we are not in this alone.

Our week ended with a very important, probably life-changing appointment for Levi.  The search for the supports and services that will help him reach his potential feels somewhat like a trip to a foreign country where we do not speak the language.  Unfortunately, we live in a rural county where services for children with special needs are almost nonexistent and has become clear that he may need to get his services elsewhere.  The decisions we face are heart wrenching and I now understand the saying, "Sometimes the right decisions hurt the most".  We will continue on our quest to help our child and to love him through these tough times.  It is a hard road and the realization that his disability was 100% preventable adds to our frustration.  Again, the support we have is our lifeline.

Oh, I almost forgot.  This happened this week, too:

Angie sang in her school Christmas Program-and I mean she was SINGING!  This is the first time she has truly participated in a program and it was the perfect ending to a trying week.  My eyes were filled with tears, emotion plus exhaustion, I guess.

A new week begins tomorrow and I hope it will bring the return of the predictable, routine days we enjoy.  Toby and I are weary but we are also encouraged by our ability to get through such a week together.  Who knew that a couple of high school sweethearts would end up with a life like this almost 30 years later?

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