Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Ultimate Gift

I want to share some news, in an attempt to keep my word about remaining real and honest here.  It is tough stuff, though.  We have ventured one step closer to completing Angie's adoption.  She has now been declared "legally free" for adoption.  It sounds simple and pleasant, but let me shed some light on the complexity for you.......

In order for Angie to become "legally free", both parents have to have their parental rights terminated in some manner.  Sadly, Angie's biological father is recently deceased.  His loss is a shock and a tragedy for his loved ones.  Angie did not know her biological father so she will not recognize the loss, other than its reality as a part of her history someday.  We are heartbroken by the shortened life of this man and wish his story were different. My heart goes out to his family.

Angie's birth mother is the individual who gave Angie the freedom to be adopted this week and she is the one I want you to know more about. Unlike most of the biological parents whose children have been in our home, Angie's birth mother has never questioned our parenting or tried to paint us in a negative light to make herself look like the better parent.  Unlike the other parents we have encountered, she has never hurt or neglected her child either before or after her birth.  Her birth mother has loved Angie with all of heart and she and her family have supported us for the past 7+ years.  This woman has done nothing "wrong". She simply is not capable of caring for Angie and she has never disputed this fact.

This week, Angie's mom attended a meeting with her lawyer and Angie's caseworker. She signed the paperwork stating that she was relinquishing her parental rights so that Angie can be adopted. I cannot imagine.  It does not matter that Angie has never lived with her or that she always knew she would not be Angie's custodial parent.  She is a mom.  This woman is a mom like I am a mom and she loves her child.  She loves her enough to give her a permanent family.  And, today, she is still a mom.

Think about the enormity of this situation.  There is so much pain in the midst of our joy.  So much hurt in the presence of this miracle.  It is hard for me, knowing this. I will not take our good fortune for granted or forget what has been sacrificed on Angie's behalf. I will remain forever grateful.

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