Monday, January 11, 2016


Independence.  We take it for granted every single day.  What does it really mean?  When we get out of bed each morning and start our day we are able to shower, dress, make breakfast, and get ready for our day. We do not require another's help.  We drive to work, do our jobs, come home, make dinner and go to bed.  Then, we start it all over the next day.  These are just the basics.  Most of us do other things too.  We might go to the gym, walk the dog, or go shopping.  Angie doesn't have that.

Angie requires assistance for all of the basics of life.  Dressing, bathing, eating, everything.  She cannot get in or out of the car or put her shoes on.  She is dependent on her caregivers and she knows we will be there to help.  This seems like a downer post, I know, but wait.........

Angie can do so much more than we ever thought she would.  She tells jokes, plays with friends, walks, talks, and learns.  Most importantly, she loves with all of her heart.  We never knew if she would do any of this.  This week, I was reminded of how much Angie CAN do.

Angie rides the bus to school with other children who have special needs.  An assistant comes onto the bus to help her out of her seat, off the bus, and into the school to her classroom.  It has always been her routine.  Until now.

The staff at school decided to try something new last week.  The assistant went onto the bus to get Angie out of her seat and down the stairs off of the bus.  But then she stopped and waited.  Angie joined the other kids walking into the school, blending into the crowd and visiting with friends on the way to the classroom.  The assistant stayed behind.

When I heard, I cried a little bit.  Sometimes I tend to assume Angie needs me to do for her instead of challenging her to be independent.  The wonderful people who work with Angie do not, and I am so thankful.  My heart's desire is for her to have as many typical childhood experiences as possible.  The teachers and assistants at Angie's school promote her independence time after time and she shows her abilities with every opportunity.  She is the bravest, strongest person I know.

If you have been instrumental one of Angie's special moments, thank you.  Thank you for believing in her and for cheering her on.  You are an integral part of her miracle and Toby and I recognize you.  We honor you.  And we can't wait to see what happens next.

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