This year started out rough for us, marked by hurt and disappointment. I want a Do Over and I am going to have one. Starting now, my family is going to rise above our rough start and move beyond the hurt. We will not be defeated or defined by evil. There is too much good on the horizon. I choose to focus on the positive:
We are celebrating Levi's 14th birthday this weekend. Oh, Levi. You have changed my life forever. Your tiny little body was the smallest I had ever held when you were delivered to us in that snowstorm 14 years ago. You were frail and tiny and it was love at first sight. I could not have guessed how much I would gain from learning to care for you. You are generous, smart, and funny. You have overcome great odds to become the person you are today.
Then there is Angie.....our not-so-little anymore miracle girl. Angie, you have shown me that no one can hold back an individual who is determined to succeed. You set the bar so high and I strive to meet the challenge. You make me a better person. Every. Single. Day. And your dream of being adopted will come true just as soon as we can possibly make it happen. We are your forever family and a piece of paper will not change that, but will confirm what we already know.
We have four other children who are each amazing in their own right. Kaeley is a mother and a wife and has made her family a priority. Kirsten has made her son the most important thing and has sacrificed to make sure he has what he needs. Jordan has devoted herself to our family business while going to school. Josh is the kindest boy in the entire school (yes, I am biased) and is devoted to his brothers and sisters even when it is hard and sometimes embarrassing.
We are blessed beyond belief. We will not be distracted from that by the actions of others. I look forward to sharing our future victories as we reach our goals as a family. And we will. Thank you for your continued support. It means more than you know......
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