Angie is absolutely thriving. We had a whirlwind weekend filled with Normal. My favorite. We went to the homecoming game Friday night so Angie could celebrate her friend Will's Princedom. Is that a word? It was freezing cold but worth every minute. Saturday, Angie was invited to the pool with her classmates for a birthday party. I have to admit, I was nervous about this one. I was not at all sure that it was responsible to let her go into the pool without an adult. I put on my Brave, though, and put a life jacket on my girl and watched her go. And she did. For over 90 minutes that girl swam and played with her friends and her momma sat on the edge of her seat, watching:) Worrying:)
Sunday, though, was my favorite day yet. Maybe ever. On Sunday, Angie and I joined our friends in Portland for Disney on Ice. I don't even know how to describe the experience.......amazing, stupendous, heartwarming, and fabulous all fit the bill. I did not know how to describe the ice show to Angie so she really did not know what to expect. Somehow we got seats in the 2nd and 3rd rows, only a few feet from the ice. Thank you , Joelle. It was perfect!!! Angie's awestruck face put a smile on my face and it stayed there for the entire 2-hour show. She is planning to dress up as Minnie Mouse for Halloween so seeing Minnie in life-size magic in front of her gave her the giggles. It was a late night, but totally worth it. Unless you ask the school staff that had to deal with Miss Cranky Pants this morning.
They are struck speechless!
Princess Angie
So grown up!
Last night was a treasure. Angie and her friend Ky talked and laughed in the car together like kindergarteners do. Angie listened to Ky tell jokes and by the time we got home she had told a few of her own. Angie told one of the adults in the car to "use your nice words". It was perfect. I can't stop smiling.
I had some serious stuff to write about here but this has completely taken over my attention and I had to share it. The serious will wait for another day.