Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Did you pray?

You prayed, didn't you?  Well, it worked!  Miss Angie had a much better day today and she came home with a chart full of stickers.  She could not wait to tell me about it when I got home.

Tonight, I took Angie to a harvest party at church.  We only stayed for about half of the party because it was bedtime (we try not to deviate from the routine on school nights) but she had a great time with her friends.  She participated in the games and decorated a pumpkin cookie before we had to leave.  I loved watching her follow the rules of the games along with the others.  There was a "cake walk" and each time the music stopped, she asked the child next to her if it was okay to take the neighboring seat before sitting down.  So sweet!  On the way home tonight, she said, "I am so happy, Mom!".  My mommy heart is happy too.

Angie has a speech evaluation in Portland tomorrow.  She has been out of speech therapy since her insurance authorization ran out in July because her insurance only allows for a specific number of visits within the calendar year.  I am anxious for her therapist, Chris, to see her and for her to show him the amazing gains she has made in the past few months.  Chris has been Angie's speech therapist since she left rehab after her surgery.  He knows how far she has come.  Still, evaluation results are always hard to hear, as the results are presented in terms of what she can't do rather than what she can.

We have been the recipients of so much kindness recently.  People don't always realize how much a kind word or a simple text message can mean when it comes at a low time.  Or, a small action without expectation of payment or thanks.  They mean the world.  Don't stop doing them, not just for us, but for anyone.  They mean everything.

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