Monday, June 9, 2014

Living the dream

I am living my dream right now.  Before you get too carried away thinking I have been whisked away across the country again or have won the lottery, or given a new car, boat, ring, whatever.  No.  I have a houseful of amazing, sweet, loud, needy, broken children.  I love my life.

I wrote before about Little Guy and his transition to our home and its rules.  He is doing so well.  He has learned that boundaries are formed to protect him and he does not need to be in control of every detail of his life because we are able to protect and care for him.  And he GETS it.  He is able to be a child and he is a busy, exuberant, happy boy.  I love my life.

There is more, though.  Little Miss returned to our home after 6 weeks in a placement that did not work out.  We could not say no.  We have been here before.  Kids returning for a repeat stay in our home are not the same as when they left.  They have experienced loss twice over since we said good-bye and it has left an imprint on their heart.  No less true for Little Miss.  But, still.  She has captured our hearts once again and we are thrilled that she is back.  I love my life.

Yesterday, Little Miss suddenly started having serious breathing problems.  My first thought was that she had a history of asthma that I didn't know about.  My second thought was that this child needed help, no matter what her history was.  We took her to the hospital and she improved quickly after receiving breathing treatments and medication.  The poor baby has pneumonia.  It came on so fast and unexpectedly.  Kind of like her placement with us.  She is feeling much better today and is soaking up the extra love and attention.  The boys' friends just came in to ask how she is feeling and that made me smile. The love and compassion my children have for foster children spills over and is contagious.  I love my life.

I have had a rough couple of weeks, personally.  Hard decisions and unexpected changes.  Conflict and difficult conversations.  Even so, nothing takes away from the feeling of having a home full of children who have overcome challenges that most of us, thankfully, will never experience.  They are superheros and are much stronger than most adults.  I am so blessed by these children.  I love my life.

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