Tuesday, September 8, 2015

This Girl

This happened today.......first grade.  Now, we have been over this before but it is near and dear in my mind today.  This child was not supposed to LIVE.  And look at her:

This girl is rocking first grade.  I know when you read my words and see the pictures it is hard to imagine the peril that this little girl's life was in but let me remind you that officials connected with Oregon State DHS wanted to enact a Do Not Recussitate order.  Would you allow this for a child who clearly has a lifetime of hope ahead?  Of course not.

You know the story, Angie had life-saving surgery which required the entire left hemisphere of her brain to be removed. We fought the fight and look at her today! This girl is in first grade and today she nailed it!

Miss Angie is a survivor of the very best kind.  She doesn't even think about it. She figures her life is the same as everyone else's and she does not expect special treatment.  She embraces her life simply because it is hers.   What an example for the rest of us.

I don't know your struggles.  You probably don't know all of mine, either.  Still, we can embrace the life we have and not look back at our challenges.  Why Not?  Have ever noticed your car?  The rearview mirror is tiny and the front window is HUGE.  This is really important because we need to focus on what is ahead and what happened before is miniscule in comparison.

If Angie can do it, we can too, right?  Make no mistake, Angie has been told about her past.  She knows the history, as well as she can understand.  She simply chooses to look and to move forward.  Every. Single. Day.  What a precious lesson for all of us, if we choose it.

1 comment:

  1. Amen and amen! Seeing this unfold through your blog and Angie's story has been such an amazing way of seeing God work for me in times when I didn't have much faith. God is so mighty! How amazing to just take a second and remember. He holds our lives in his hand... Thanks for this.
