Peace. It seems elusive right now, don't you think? All over the world, people are living in fear and horror because of the acts of evil people. Regardless of where you live, the horrible acts have touched your lives. Paris, Belgium, Brussels, Mali. Where does it end? World peace seems so far away, and sometimes personal peace feels that way too.
It makes sense that the cruel, violent acts of terrorism that we see in the media shake our sense of peace. Unimaginable acts of violence in our own country move us too. We see our Facebook friends lose loved ones. And, then, personal tragedy steps in and we lose our hope. It can be anything.......a job loss, broken relationship, personal disappointment, financial worries. How will we recover? Is peace too far away for us to reach? Is there just too much sadness?
I don't know the answer and I wish I did. We are heading into the Christmas season with its popular theme, "Peace on Earth, Good Will Towards Men" and "Let There Be Peace on Earth." It can be hard to put on a brave face and embrace the season. Sometimes, I wonder, "How do people pretend all season long?" Or any time of year, for that matter?
I have decided I will try something this year. I want to be honest, it has been an extremely difficult year for me and for my family. This year, I am going to start at Thanksgiving. I am practicing thanksgiving by noticing all that I have to be grateful for and there is so much!!! I have started a mental list and the list continues to grow. My husband, who gives unconditionally and always supports me in my crazy dreams. My children, a gift from God to show me my purpose in the World. Becoming a grandma. My job, where I continue to learn every single day as I watch my co-workers facilitate miracles for the families that we serve. Freedom, to speak and believe as I choose. A warm home and a full belly. Doctors, teachers, therapists, and caregivers who help us to give our children every opportunity available to help them be successful. That is just the beginning. There is more.
Start your list and prepare your heart for the days ahead. I think that "paying it forward" by practicing gratitude is the first step towards finding peace. It will not change global or personal circumstances but I believe it will have a lasting impact on our sense of peace. I am going to give it a try and I hope you will too.
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