Monday, October 2, 2017

Breaking the Glass Ceiling

When Angela had her brain surgery six years ago we had so many questions.  Even though she was only three years old at the time, one thing I really wanted to know was, "Will she read?".  As an avid reader, this was really important to me, although not as important as having her overcome seizures and live a healthy life.  Or having friends, or walking and talking.  But, I wanted to know.  The doctors were not willing to make any predictions because each child responds to major brain surgery differently.   I would have to wait.

Since starting Kindergarten, Angela has made steady pre-literacy gains each year.  She eventually learned the letters of the alphabet and by second grade last year she could recognize a few sight words-and a few more by the end of the year, but it felt like there was a glass ceiling on her reading.  We could see what was possible up above but she couldn't quite get there.  Or could she?

Until recently, we have not pushed Angela to do homework.  Just getting through the school day is so exhausting for her and she is often asleep by 5:30 or 6.  We recently decided to have her read and write a few sentences each night along with the rest of her third grade class.  I am hoping my video posts here so you can hear what I heard tonight:

If you do not have tears, please check your pulse.  This milestone is proof that ANYTHING is possible.  Never give up on a skill or a change that seems to be taking too long.  Angela's school team made a huge investment to make this happen.  When traditional teaching methods weren't working, they found a better way for her. They cheered and encouraged, and they will continue to support her progress.  This has been a team effort that Toby and I have watched from the sidelines.  We do not take any credit.

In the words of Walt Disney, "The difference between winning and losing is most often not quitting."  Angela Hope Harris never quits.  The daily tasks that we take for granted, just because we can, take tremendous effort for someone with Angela's challenges .  Dressing, bathing, eating, walking, learning-it is all hard.  And she Never.Gives.Up.  This girl is my hero.

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