This has been a really rough month for us. If you have been reading, you already know, but I am not sure you actually KNOW. January has not been my favorite. February, please come quickly.
Levi moved. I miss him like a missing limb. It is truly, physically painful. We have felt his loss in every bone in our bodies.
Angie is struggling with behaviors in school again. She started the year with so much improvement and we are disappointed and confused as to how to help her. She has come so far, so I feel bad being discouraged. I just want everything for her.......
Josh has his own struggles which are no worse than any other teen, but challenging just the same. He needs our support and attention more than we realized. And yet he makes me laugh. Every. Single. Day.
Our oldest daughter moved away and didn't tell us. Really. No forwarding address or good-bye phone call. This will be news to many and it not something I will probably elaborate on in the future, but it is a source of extreme pain for us. Our parent hearts are broken and we pray for the day she will return to our family.
My work environment has been stressed and difficult as we deal with crucial changes and I have been taxed to stay strong for my co-workers.
There have been positives, too, and I have rested on them to get through the past few weeks. Levi is making his first visit home this weekend and I can't wait to have him under our roof again. He is thriving in his environment and we are satisfied that we made the right decision regarding his placement. Toby and I have been blessed by the kind words and messages sent our way. We have reconnected with our "little princess" who left our home last month and have enjoyed her hugs and stories. Our family has been proven strong and able to stand up under extreme pressure. So much to celebrate. And yet, I am ready to turn the calendar page and say good-bye to January for good. February, please be kind.
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