Monday, February 16, 2015


Last week, Angie had three medical appointments in a row.  Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  I wrote already about her visit with Dr. Wray and the plan to move forward to treat her seizures.  On Thursday, she saw a specialist about her shoulder and he determined that she needs an MRI and a referral to a new specialist that can address possible joint issues.

On Friday, Angie was diagnosed with mild hearing loss.  There are a couple of ways to process this information. We can say, "What's a little hearing deficit in light of all of her other issues?" Or, "How can we manage one more thing on top of everything else we have learned recently?".  To be honest, I have not settled on one or the other but instead have wavered from one to the other all weekend long.  I do want to find out how her hearing loss is impacting her learning and possibly her behavior.  I found a simulator online that allows you to hear what someone with hearing loss hears.  Here is a link if you want to try it:

It is pretty cool.  The audiologist said that Angie can hear what is said but the words can sound like she is underwater, especially if there is any noise in the room.

We have an annual IEP meeting for Angie this week and my thoughts are filled with ideas and hopes for her next year.  I feel like there are so many new unanswered questions that it is difficult to know what she needs though.  I am grateful for the kind, caring staff at our school.  They are always open to our ideas and willing to try new strategies to address our complicated little girl's needs. I hear stories of nightmarish IEP meetings and I am thankful not have those worries.

Toby and I celebrated Valentine's Day with a house full of boys since it was also Josh's 15th birthday.  We agreed to celebrate our special day later, when life settles down a bit:)  I know, funny, huh?

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