Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Out of the Woods

We had a home visit from a nurse tonight.  She comes every six months observe the administration of Angie's medications through her G-tube and to "sign-off" on the procedure.  Visits like this snap me out of my thinking that we are a typical family with normal issues to deal with.  We aren't.  Oh, we have plenty of normal issues, but we have something else too.

We have two children with serious medical and developmental concerns and we will never be "out of the woods" so to speak.  We will never be certain of their future health.  Tonight I read a blog that completely sums it up so I am sharing it here:


Angie and Levi both are participating in community and school activities that we never dreamed would be possible for them.  It is amazing, their strength and courage.  And yet, both have life-long disabilities with serious implications.  Angie is being evaluated (again) for hearing loss and possible shoulder surgery this week.  Next week, glaucoma and a consult with a sleep clinic.  Soon, new therapies and chiropractic will be added.  Her seizure control is constantly in jeopardy and we are ever watchful for unusual movements or behaviors.  Levi also has regular evaluations and therapies to determine how his needs can be met.

So, I can relate to the blog writer's feeling that the family is never "out of the woods".  You know what though?  I choose not to pitch my tent in the woods.  Instead, I am thankful for the courage my children possess.  I am thankful, in a very intentional way, for every single day with my children.  I know what it feels like to be on the edge of disaster.  And to experience a miracle and be given another chance.

Yes, I suppose we are still in the woods.  But life here is beautiful and precious and I would choose it over again in a minute.

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