Thursday, October 15, 2015


We are in a pattern of waiting right now.  Have you ever felt that way?  Life goes on, day after day, and we do what we need to do.  But, still, we are waiting.......

We are waiting for Levi to come home.  We have a moving date, October 23rd.  We have met with the school and set up a schedule and program for him. We have completed reams of paperwork, hours of family counseling, and have hired a support worker.  But still, we are waiting.

We are waiting for our first grandchild to be born, and then another very soon.  Kaeley's due date was the 12th of October.  If we think we are waiting, she and Tristan are even more so.  I should not complain, but the waiting is so hard!!

We are waiting for Angie's adoption to be completed.  Unfortunately, we have no control over the process and it is excruciating.  We have already waited for seven years.  To her, that is a lifetime and she lets us know on a regular basis, saying, "Come on, let's do this!".  Her spirit and personality are priceless.  However, we are waiting......

There is a value in waiting, I know.  We must need to learn patience.  Right?  Or, we just need to trust that God knows what He is doing and that His timing is perfect. I know.  It's not that we aren't busy and have things to do. We are crazy-busy right now!  Toby and I are just not the type to wait around for something to happen if we don't have to. We make it happen, one way or another.  This is just our nature, so it is not surprising that all this waiting is making us uncomfortable.  And then I found this...

And I remember.....every miracle is worth waiting for.

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