Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Last weekend, our local high school celebrated Homecoming.  This event always takes me back to my own high school experience and the traditions we observed at Astoria High School.  This weekend, Josh and his girlfriend Madeline attended the homecoming dance.  Madeline was the Sophomore Class Princess and she could not have been more beautiful.

We had another Homecoming in our family this weekend.........Levi moved home from the group home he has lived in for the past 9 months.  This was not a decision we made lightly.  In fact, Toby and I agonized over it until practically the night before it happened.  This is not a parenting decision that can be made without serious contemplation.  When push comes to shove, we want our son to be home where he belongs.  We took a deep breath and dove in with both feet.  So far, it has been amazing.  Levi started school on Monday and he loves being back with his friends.  When we go to bed at night, it just feels right to have all of us under one roof.

We don't know what the future holds for us.  Levi has a diagnosis that will cause lifelong challenges.  He is not the same child who moved to Portland last December, though.  He is an old soul.  He understands life in a way that no child should ever have to. But he has also learned skills that will serve him well as he moves forward.  We do not regret our decision last December. But we are so very glad to have our boy home with us.

It is a very happy Homecoming for sure.

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