Yesterday was a memorable day. To begin with, Angie had an annual speech evaluation and SHE TOTALLY ROCKED IT!!! One year ago, Angie's testing results determined that her speech was at the 22 month-old level. Today, Angie tested at 44 months. I will do the math for you, since it does happen to be Friday and if you are like me, you have the week from you-know-where. Angie has gained 22 months of speech skills in 12 months. She is a rock star!! Her therapist was not sure she would be able to complete the testing, which lasted for 1 hour and 20 minutes, but wouldn't you know-she did!!!
Some days seem to last forever and you start to wonder if you were dreaming them. We met some friends for dinner and had what I can only describe as a surreal experience. As we sat at out local pizza parlor (which Toby and I happen to own) a retired Clatskanie teacher sat at the next table and referred to Angie by a term I will choose not to repeat here. Really? I thought our community was above that. I chewed on the experience for a bit and tonight I sent him a message about Angie's miracle and the joy she brings to our family. I encouraged him to re-think his choice of words, particularly in public and to consider people with special needs as valid members of society. To his credit, he responded immediately with what seemed to be sincere sorrow and regret. I want to challenge my friends here to do the same. Do not stand for our precious special ones to be treated with less than respect. Call it what it is-it is not okay. Our special angels have enough challenges to endure without the added weight of hurtful words.
These are hard times for all of us. The challenges that my family is facing are not unique. We all have something. Tonight I urge you to reach out to someone, anyone. You cannot go wrong. Everyone you know is struggling with something. Don't be mistaken, my struggles are not special or unique because I blog about them. The blog is just the outlet I have chosen. Look around you. I promise, there is someone in need of a smile, a hug, a meal, or just some true understanding. Just do it. You will not be sorry.
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