Monday, December 2, 2013

The Calm After the Storm

I have a confession to make.......I couldn't wait to return to work this morning after a week-long break for Thanksgiving.  It felt like a safe haven after a long war-or something like that.

Our children need structure and consistency like they need food and water.  Thanksgiving, Black Friday, a weekend of late nights, and the excitement of decorating the home for Christmas have temporarily wiped out all forms of structure and consistency we had developed in our home.  Fear not, though, this mama is taking it back.  We are going to be back on track this week OR ELSE!  And the "or else" is that I will take a one-way trip to the crazy house, as I often joke with kids I am going to do.

Really, though, we endured multiple meltdowns, sibling battles, curse words, flying objects, naptime rebellion, and worse.  Every day for the past 5 days.  Enough is enough.  I try to stay positive most days but I am tired.

Ranting aside, we did enjoy working together yesterday to get the Christmas decorations out and getting the house ready for the next holiday.  Last night, we lit up the tree and it was as if a calm overtook our home.  Finally, peace.  Oh, and it was bedtime:)

What does she think?
She loves them!!
See?  Peace.  It has to be magic!

I hope your families have experienced a similar calm, even if it was preceded by a wild and crazy storm.  Sometimes that is the calm we appreciate the most, don't you think?  Tonight, I read a quote by Sigmund Freud that encouraged me-"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful".  I will hold onto this thought and tonight it feels like enough.

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